Saturday, September 7, 2013


Carmen was my first Blythe repaint :3 Two friends tried to customize her and didn't really succeed, so they lend her to me to try. She's inspired by Lana Del Rey, and she really reminds her when she's wearing her wig.
It was fun to paint her, and really hard. Blythe's faces are so huge it was difficult to spread the pastel without tainting it. But fortunately everything went fine and she turned out beautiful and loved by her "dads" ♥ Oh, she has a translucent faceplate.

Friday, September 6, 2013


 Frankie was my second try on mh repaint. I made some mistakes, but I think her overall is just fine. I decided to paint her lips and eyes with acrylics to make the colors brighter. I think it was a smart decision because mh heads are so small, and making such tiny details with the watercolor pencils is frustrating sometimes. I also tried to preserve the fashion concept of the dolls, and although I changed the colors a bit, I kept her heterochromia (it's not brown and brown, it's brown and green!), stitches, and the love for make up. I think I'll do that with all my mh girls, I just love the characters too much to change them! ♥